Call for Speakers
Illume Learning is pleased to accept applications to speak at the 2025 Australian Inclusive Schooling Conference.
The Call for Speakers has been extended to 6th October 2024. To express your interest, please submit the form below.
We’re looking for change-makers, experts, and champions for inclusive education. We welcome applications from people with disabilities, educators, academics, therapists, and any other interested parties. We're especially interested in hearing from Australian educators who are doing great things in their inclusive schools.
About the 2025 Conference
When: 27th and 28th March 2025
Where: Hotel Grand Chancellor, Brisbane
The Illume Learning Australian Inclusive Schooling Conference is an unmissable opportunity for those with an interest in and passion for inclusive education. The conference will inform, inspire, challenge and empower delegates to deepen their commitment to an inclusive education for students with disabilities.
The event will bring together Australian leaders in the field of inclusive education to share informative and engaging presentations on the philosophy, research and practice of inclusive education.
The last conference (2023) featured high-profile leaders including Dr Katie Novak, Nas Campanella, Michelle Mitchell, Nathan Basha, Dr Rhonda Faragher, and many more! The 2025 event is set to have an equally stellar line-up with keynote speakers Dr Julie Causton and Dr Kristie Pretti-Frontczak confirmed and more exciting announcements to come.
Why present
The Australian Inclusive Schooling Conference is an opportunity to share your knowledge, skills and experience with a unique audience, including teachers, parents, therapists and school administrators.
You’ll be helping to strengthen attendees understanding of and commitment to inclusive education. Presenting at the conference also provides an opportunity to build your networks and enhance your profile as a leader in your field.
What to present on
We’re seeking submissions relevant to teachers, teaching assistants, parents, therapists and school administrators, and centred around inclusive education.​​​
Please note: submissions that focus on the promotion of commercial services will not be considered. If you have a product or service to promote, please consider becoming a sponsor – contact us at admin@illumelearning.com.au for further details.
Amplifying voices
We're especially interested in amplifying the voices of people with lived experience of disability. Do you have a story to tell, expertise to offer, or insights to share? We want to hear from you! If you require assistance with the application process, please reach out to us at admin@illumelearning.com.au to discuss alternative application options that meet your accessibility needs. ​​
How to present
We’re looking for original presentations that offer practical take-away tips and tools.Successful applicants will be invited to present a 30 minute concurrent session.
Presentations must:
Align with the definition of inclusive education as outlined in the United Nations Convention on the Rights of People With Disabilities – Article 24 and General Comment No. 4;
Focus on practical takeaways and learnings for delegates;
Showcase highly-successful, innovative or unique practices, frameworks, methodologies, processes or tools;
Speaker benefits
If you’re selected as a conference presenter, you’ll receive:
Conference registration for the day of your presentation, including access to all sessions, conference resources, and catering.
Discounted registration if you wish to attend the full conference. ​​
Please fill out the form linked below to submit your interest. Call for Speakers closes on 6th October 2024.
Successful applicants will be notified by 31 October 2024.